This weeks challenge has been set by yours truly. Knowing that it was going to be posted up the day after Burns night I was thinking Scottish but for some reason I said “pipes”.
Now I can understand my connection and I was able to get some pictures of the good old Highland pipes…
I’ve even got photo’s of a whole marching band of them…
But, knowing my fellow headbangers, Fishing guy, imac, Lanny and Gailsman that's just what they would be expecting from me.
So I decided to have a look around for some more pipes…
we therefore have radiator pipes.
The pipes of the beautiful organ in the cathedral Notre Dame in St Omer Northern France, taken last summer.
Even some copper piping travelling up the wall of our house…
All possibly good photograph’s in their own right but they still lack that extra something for the header so this week I have gone for some small pipes in fact they are straw ones.
I hope you enjoy looking around, feel free to tell me what you think in the comments section before popping over to see what my other headbangers have come up with for `Pipes`.